Your Wellness Guide

Hello, my name is Heather Roth

As someone who loves plants, is a Capricorn, a fisherman's wife, and the owner of a mini goldendoodle, I am passionate about educating and advocating for independent health and wellness. In a society that heavily relies on labels, especially in the "health" community, I strive to break free from that and focus on whole-body wellness, regardless of any diagnosis or where someone is in their healing journey. While on my own journey towards better health, I met some incredible individuals who helped me understand that my pain, suffering, and trauma did not define me. Instead, they were reflections of where I was and how I could take charge and advocate for myself. It is my responsibility to ensure that I am receiving the care I require, both from my healthcare providers and myself. This realization brought about a significant change in my life. My goal is to create a space of acceptance and understanding and guide you towards your own path. A path that you can see and follow, which will allow you to recognize your power, and real change will follow. I look forward to being a part of your healing journey.

Training and Certifications:

I received my FootZonology Certificate in the fall of 2021 but have been practicing since the fall of 2020.

I have completed all the courses for the Alaskan Essence Practitioner Training and am finishing up the clinic hours and research portion.

I am certified for the HOCATT™ and HUGO™.

I have completed the training for the Lucia Nº03 Light.

My Adage:

I will not rescue you. For you are not powerless. I will not fix you. For you are not broken. I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness. I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.

-The Medicine Woman’s Prayer