The Hidden Power of Fascia: How the Lucia N°03 Light Supports Your Body’s Healing
Heather Roth Heather Roth

The Hidden Power of Fascia: How the Lucia N°03 Light Supports Your Body’s Healing

Beneath your skin lies an extraordinary web of connective tissue known as fascia. This shimmering, intelligent network does far more than provide structural support—it plays a vital role in your body’s communication and healing processes. Drawing on insights from visionary biophysicist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, let’s explore how fascia interacts with light and energy, and how the Lucia N°03 Light can amplify its natural abilities to support your overall wellbeing.

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My Favorite Summertime Tea
Heather Roth Heather Roth

My Favorite Summertime Tea

Today I am sharing my favorite summer drink! 🌺Flowerchild Tea🌺

A refreshing summer drink that packs in the nutrients and is low in sugar!

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